Thursday, March 8, 2007

Free Write

Okay, so my random thought of the day: It's amazing to think that the little bit of information we pass on to others every day (by teaching them things) has an impact on who they become. For example, I wonder if high school teachers ever tell people, "see that guy? I taught him algebra. If he hadn't learned algebra he never would have gotten his diploma and gone on to college and learned what he needed to know to get where he is today." It's especially amazing when the thing you teach becomes part of the amazing thing they may accomplish. Every famous or significant person had several people in their lives that taught them the basics, and layed the foundation. Yes, the famous/significant person had the original thoughts or did the orinial things that made them famous/significant, but had someone not taught them the basics, they couldn't have moved beyond... if that makes sense. It's hard to put to words how amazing/impressive that thought is. Kind of like how one missionary baptizes one person, that then goes on to become a missionary and baptize two people, etc. The domino effect of influence. Crazy.

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