Tuesday, March 27, 2007


A Few Things That Bug Me:

1. When people use Times New Roman for something that isn't a paper, book, or other big bunch of text. So what if Times is the default font, that doesn't mean you have to use it! There are SO many other good fonts out there, why does everyone have to Times New Roman? And who decided that it would be the universal default? It's about time we put it away for a while and gave other serifed fonts a turn. Like Garamond for example, or Goudy Old Style. Things are much more pleasant to read when the font face is something more visually appealing, refreshing, and a change from the cold, hard standard. BUT, I'm not referring to curly, messy, or fancy fonts. I'm talking about clean serifed fonts, (fonts with the "monkey tails" or lines on the letters.) And it does not belong on big signs, titles or flyers. Again, it's boring. The point is to stand out and be something people will want to look at. No one is going to want to read or look at something that was typed in the same font that they type their papers in. Even THEN a change is refreshing. Oh, and the same goes for Arial.

2. Warm milk.. *shudder*. Milk should always be fresh-out-of-the-fridge cold.

3. When you get the milk-to-cereal ratio wrong and end up with either dry, hard bites of un-moistened cereal, or spoonfulls of plain milk with a few Cheerios floating around. I'm pretty sure Raisin Bran is the hardest to get right.

A Few Things That Can Make My Day:

1. Putting on clothes right out of the dryer. (When I was little we used to dump the freshly finished load onto our couch to fold and sort and I'd just burrow into the pile and lie there until they were cold.)

2. Heavy, cold-press watercolor paper. Mmm...

3. When you realize someone fell asleep while taking notes because of the steady stream of "s" on their screen.

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